Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ex-ual Healing (Also:New Suicide Girls Column Up)

Latest Suicide Girls article is up. It's on leading, which means I'm anticipating a modicum of controversy in the comments section.

You will find it here.

In other news, I had the good fortune to run into an ex- of mine, Cat in the Hat Girl on the bus (*).

My favorite exchange was while we were talking about how the mind cannot always distinguish between reality and the internet. Cat in the Hat girl mentioned that they often use computer programs and visualizations to train athletes.

DAN: So by that logic XXXX must be a great swordsman from playing all that World of Warcraft.
CAT IN THE HAT GIRL: He's got saddle sores from riding his raptor.

I forgot how clever she is.

I've been lucky to reconnect with a couple exes recently. In addition to seeing Cat in the Hat Girl, The Slayer and I (and her little dog too--the reincarnation of some Tibetan Buddhist Advsior to the Dali Lama) are reconciling as friends, and I'm enjoying it. It's curious seeing both of them and my current girlfriend within short time span, because it's kind of surprising to see how much they have in common.

The thing with exes is, often when I think of them, I don't think of THEM so much as about what I learned or how I grew from the relationship.

I think this is sometimes a problem in ongoing relationships as well, at least some of mine. You and your partner get so got up feeding and watering and tending the Relationship it grows between you into such a enormous thing that you lose sight of each other. You get so caught up working to make The Relationship work, you forget to stop and and appreciate each other.

Seeing my exes brings them back into focus and I can appreciate them as people instead of as a story from my past. I remember the things I like about them and how cool they are. Cat in the Hat Girl's wit, her world-view, and her unique organizational system. The Slayer's way of treating people, courage, and general geekery. You get to see them again as people.

Which is nice.

Another nice thing was the show last night. I was more angry and aggressive on stage. I was able to express a different dimension of myself in front of a roomful of strangers, and they were not only okay with it, they actually liked it.

As the line in American Beauty goes, It's a good feeling knowing you can still surprise yourself.

Upcoming Wrestling Appearances
Saturday, September 26 - OSCW, Hazeldean Community Hall - Edmonton
Saturday, October 17 - OSCW, Hazeldean Community Hall - Edmonton
Saturday, November 21 - OSCW, Hazeldean Community Hall - Edmonton

Dan Brodribb's Geek Love appears every two weeks at Current article is here.

More of Dan's musings on dating and relationships can be found on his Hot Chicks & Strangers blog.

(*) I know I've written at least three Journal articles about her, but I'm unsure if she ever made the blog. If you're that interested check in the December 2006-May 2007 range.

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