Monday, May 01, 2006


Upcoming Comedy
Wednesday, May 10 - The Comic Strip
Sunday, May 14 - The Comic Strip

Upcoming Writing
Living Articles in the Edmonton Journal
May articles TBA

Articles at (viewer discretion advised for sexual content)
May 4 - Sex is Boring
May 11 - Strippers
May 18 - Fantasy Island
May 25 - When Good Sex Goes Bad

You can meet Dan at MPW Massacre, Saturday, May 6 at Alberta Avenue Community Hall (.9210-188Ave., Edmonton, Alberta). Doors open at 6pm.

Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every week in the Edmonton Journal's ed magazine supplement.

Check out Dan Brodribb on myspace at

-I left a pen in the dryer and got inkstains all over one of my favorite dress shirts, so anybody who knows how to get ink out of a dress shirt, e-mail me through my website I've heard spot remover, Crest toothpaste, water and vinegar, and nail polish so far. Or maybe I'll just leave it and wear it to the MPW show at Alberta Ave. Community Hall this Saturday for the first blood match between Massive Damage and Darren "The Bomb" Dalton in case they decide to bring their shenanigans over to the announce table like at Mayhem (as always ticket info is at

(If this next part reads familiar, it's because I cribbed it nearly verbatim from my myspace blog at

Saturday I was in Red Deer middling for PAUL SVEEN and MC ALLISON SMITH. The show went well and I got a kiss from a pretty girl, though she said she'd prefer to make out with Allison. I would be okay with that. Allison is very charming and one of the best people I've seen at dealing with audience members after the show. Still, as a woman in comedy, I'm sure she's had some stories, although I wonder if anything will beat the proposal KATHLEEN MCGEE got one evening at the Comic Strip (you'll have to ask her the story yourself--this is a family blog).

Sunday, I got the call from Yuks to do some time. Peter Kelamis was headlining. I had never seen him before, and he's hilarious. It was a busy show for a Sunday--180-200 peeps and they were great. I was pretty good too, if I do say so myself. I ran into a couple women I was pretty close to back in college, a pair of sisters from Poland. It was cool to see them again, and one of the staff fell in love with one of them at first sight. I wish he'd said something to me earlier--I would have been happy to arrange an introduction...except that it's been so long, I couldn't remember one of their names.

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