Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Loudest Slayer In The World

I'm going to Montreal next week. I'm very excited.

I took the Slayer to a basketball game last night. Did you know Edmonton has a pro basketball team?

Me neither. But it was fun.

During one time-out, then announcer declared there would be a prize for a free dinner for the loudest fan in the arena.

DAN'S BRAIN: The Slayer is going to win this one.

Sure enough, The Slayer was on her feet, banging her thundersticks and shrieking and jumping around.

ANNOUNCER: I'm saying who can be the loudest, most annoying person in here?!?!

The Slayer redoubled her efforts, jumping around and screaming.

I had complete faith in the Slayer's ability to be loud and annoying, but I decided to help out a little.

While she jumped around and shrieked and made a spectacle of herself, I pointed at her with one hand, covered my ears with the other, put the same annoyed and exasperated expression on my face that I used as an announcer for Steve Rivers' ring entrance, caught the announcer's eye and looked at him with a pleading look that said "Please, man. Make her stop."

We're going to dinner next week.

Life is good.

Upcoming Comedy
Thursday, May 29 - The Comedy Works, Montreal

Upcoming Writing
Living Articles in the Edmonton Journal (current Living article is here
Friday, May 30 - Living Section, Edmonton Journal
Friday, June 13 - Living Section, Edmonton Journal

Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every Monday in the Edmonton Journal's ed online. Current headLINES is here.

A Pair of Singles (co-written with Dawn Dumont) Current article is here.

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