Monday, May 26, 2008

headLINES and a quick story

Walking through the mall, I saw an attractive woman.
DAN: Hi, how's it going?
WOMAN: Great. Are you rich?
DAN'S BRAIN: Holy crap! There's prostitutes in the mall! That's incredible!
DAN: Uh, no, sorry.
WOMAN: I thought you were the guy I was meeting.
DAN: Wasn't me. Good luck finding a rich guy.

It was only when I was walking away that I realized she was probably on a blind date waiting for a guy named Rich.


Here's headLINES

Upcoming Comedy
Thursday, May 29 - The Comedy Works, Montreal

Upcoming Writing
Living Articles in the Edmonton Journal (current Living article is here
Friday, May 30 - Living Section, Edmonton Journal
Friday, June 13 - Living Section, Edmonton Journal

Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every Monday in the Edmonton Journal's ed online. Current headLINES is here.

A Pair of Singles (co-written with Dawn Dumont) Current article is here.

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