Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New headLINES, singles night.

New headLINES is up here

As well, Dawn and I are hosting our first singles night at The Comic Strip in WEM tonight. Show starts at 8pm.

On Friday I got to see DESOUSA DRIVE, my friend Victor's band. Victor and I were in a band together many years ago called Sweet Alibi. In fact, all the original members of Sweet Alibi were out on Friday, even though Vic is the only one still playing (though the drummer Dan Jean has been known to fill in for a gig or two).

Above is a pic of the Sweet Alibi "reunion." (from L to R: Tim, me, Victor, and Dan J)

I wish I'd known I was taking pictures. I would have worn nicer pants.

Upcoming Comedy
Tuesday, April 22 - SINGLES NIGHT - The Comic Strip, Edmonton

Upcoming Teaching
Dating for Shy Guys and Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy - For details go to www.metrocontinuingeducation.ca

Upcoming Writing
Living Articles in the Edmonton Journal (current Living article is here)

Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every Monday in the Edmonton Journal's ed online. Current headLINES is here

A Pair of Singles (co-written with Dawn Dumont) Current article is here

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