Monday, April 07, 2008

100 Plus New headLINES

100 Bottles of beer on the wall, one hundred bottles of beeer.

If you're wondering why that song is in my head, I'll let you know.

Right after I plug headLINES.

I've decided I'm going to write 100 new jokes this week. I started at midnight last night/Monday morning and have until midnight Sunday.

It is currently 3:40 monday afternoon and I have 96 jokes to go. 96 bottles of mirth on the wall.

This is going to be an adventure.

Upcoming Comedy
Monday, April 21 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Tuesday, April 22 - SINGLES NIGHT - The Comic Strip, Edmonton

Upcoming Teaching
Dating for Shy Guys and Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy - For details go to

Upcoming Writing
Living Articles in the Edmonton Journal (current Living article is here)
Friday, April 18

Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every Monday in the Edmonton Journal's ed online. Current headLINES is here

A Pair of Singles (co-written with Dawn Dumont) Current article is here

Wednesday, April 16 - Dan will be appearing on Kamikaze Komedy on CJSR 88.5 from midnight to 2 am (so technically, April 17)

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