Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Upcoming Comedy
Wednesday, January 24 - Yuk Yuks, Vancouver
Monday, January 29 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton

Upcoming Writing
Saturday, January 20 - Single in the City (w/Dawn Dumont) ed magazine in the Edmonton Journal
Friday, January 26 - Sharp Dressed Man, Living Section, Edmonton Journal

Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every Saturday in the ed section of the Edmonton Journal

Be Dan Brodribb's friend on myspace at www.myspace.com/danbrodribb

Perception is interesting. Usually, I wear glasses onstage, but I was going to see a show after, and so I was in my contact lenses and Rock and Roll-ier clothing than I usually wear. I ended up doing a guest spot and it was interesting the way the audience seemed slightly confused at first, because my appearance didn't 'fit' the material as strongly. I love comics who perform with their entire body--their voice and mannerisms and physcial presence work with their jokes to create their act--but I wonder if some of the mannerisms I use have become a crutch. I don't mind being the 'nervous little guy' because it's a quick way to establish a stage identity, but I think its important to keep experimenting. Sometimes finding something that works means you stop looking at other ways to do things, and I think its important as an entertainer and in real life too, to keep trying new things (except for maybe seafood. I'm not a fan.).

The co-article with DAWN runs this Saturday in ed. I have no idea what we're going to call it, if anything, but I hope people check it out.

Thursday was fantastic at the Sidetrack KATHLEEN's done such an awesome job at building up the room. KEVIN FOX also proved to be an able attraction and even sacrificed most if not all of his winnings on bets with the audience. Either he's the consummate showman or he has a serious gambling issue. I'm always amazed at just how cool most comedians are. From the headliners on down, it's just an amazing community to be a part of.

Yesterday (Monday) I was back at the Sidetrack trying some new jokes. I think a few of them may have potential, which is exciting.

For those of you who have been writing in about the future of MPW on television, we're working on it. The plan is to tape a bunch of upcoming shows and start production work on them in a few months. I'll keep you posted once a timeline becomes more clear. Hopefully we'll be back on the air soon and better than ever. In the meantime, the next show is February 3 at the Hangers (www.monsterprowrestling.com).

If you're bored in Edmonton the TALES society runs a storytelling circle the second Friday of every month. (You can find the ads in SEE or look them up here: http://www.ecn.ab.ca/~tales/). I'd never been before last week and it was a really cool experience.

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