Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Upcoming Comedy

Wednesday, January 24 - Yuk Yuks, Vancouver
Monday, January 29 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton

Upcoming Writing
Friday, January 26 - Sharp Dressed Man, Living Section, Edmonton Journal

Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every Saturday in the ed section of the Edmonton Journal

Be Dan Brodribb's friend on myspace at www.myspace.com/danbrodribb

My flight to Vancouver leaves tomorrow. I'm excited.

I picked up an extra show, opening for LARS CALLIEOU in Camrose. Another comic cancelled at the last minute, and Lars rode out to save the day. POWERMANN was unable to make it as an opener, so I went in his stead. It's been a long time since I've done a two-man show, so I felt a little rusty, but the crowd was phenomenal, and of course it was nice to be out on the road.

The writing Science Fiction and Fantasy course that I teach through Metro Continuing Education will start February 5 instead of January 29, as advertised. What course is this? I hear you ask. It's a writing course I teach every year and forget to promote on the blog. I don't know if registration is still open (What a professional I am), but if you're interested in writing fantasy, SF, or horror for a living, you can get in touch with Metro and see if there's still space. And you'll get to spend fifteen hours in my august presence listening to me rattle on for fifteen hours (not all in a row). Here's the link: www.metrocontinuingeducation.ca

Got some great reader response to the first Dawn & Dan column which was called A Pair of Singles. I think the folks at ed did a phenomenal job with the layout, so it looked really good. The next one is on kissing on the first date, and should run in a couple weeks.

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