Shawn Gramiak is a very talented performer, but I think there’s something wrong with his video camera.
Shawn was kind enough to lend me his machine to tape a couple of my performances.
The shows were great. The crowds were great. And I also was great. I delivered my best material to the ultimate of my ability. My only worry was my set was so hot, it may have melted the camera.
Imagine my surprised when I reviewed the tape and discovered instead of me on the tape, there was….a guy who looked exactly like me. The only difference was that while I onstage am a panther-graceful, sexually-charged dynamo, my dopplegange on the tape was a swaying, twitching, nervous-tic machine.
It’s a goddamn mystery.
Upcoming Comedy
Tuesday, February 24 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Monday, March 30 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
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