Latest Living Article is up here.
It's on my new tattoo, which means I can finally stop hiding it in photo shoots. Continuity rules.
I'm also starting a new self-development project.
I'm going to become a zombie.
Okay, not really.
But what I am doing is reading the book the Zen of Zombie by Steve , and I'm going to apply some of it to my life for the next few weeks and see what happens.
Since it deals at least somewhat with my shyness, I figured it would be most appropriate to deal with it on the Hot Chicks & Strangers blog which actually deals with shyness as opposed to here which is supposed to mostly be self-promotion.
The first entry should be up tomorrow.
Upcoming Living Columns in the Edmonton Journal
Friday, September 5
Friday, September 19
Friday, October 3
Current Living article is up here.
Dan's musings on shyness and relationships can be found at
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