Latest Pair of Singles is up. You can find it here. I also have a Living column out tomorrow so check the Journal.
I am a big fan of the character Oz from Buffy the Vampire Slayer as people who have read this article already know. The character is laid-back, comfortable with himself, and genuine, which I think are great qualities to have.
Here's the gospel according to Oz. Something about these passages speaks to my soul.
Xander: You yourself are considered cool. Why is that?
Oz: Am I?
Xander: Is it about the talking? The way you tend to express yourself in short, noncommittal phrases?
Oz: Could be.
Xander: I know! You're in a band! That's like a business-class ticket to cool with complementary mojo after takeoff! I gotta learn an instrument. Is it hard to play guitar?
Oz: Not the way I play it.
Xander: Okay, but on the other hand: eighth grade. I'm taking the flugelhorn and gettin' *zero* trim. So the whole instrument thing could be a mislead. But you need a thing, one thing nobody else has. What do I have?
Oz: An exciting new obsession. Which I feel makes you very special.
OZ: I'm gonna ask you to go out with me tomorrow night. And I'm nervous about it, actually... It's interesting.
WILLOW: Oh. Well, if it helps at all, I'm gonna say yes.
OZ: Yeah, it helps. It creates a comfort zone. Do you wanna go out with me tomorrow night?
WILLOW: Oh! I can't!
OZ: I like that you're unpredictable.
OZ: If you don't need me, I'm gonna follow the redhead.
Words to live by.
Upcoming Comedy
Thursday, July 24 - Rouge Lounge, Edmonton
Wednesday, July 30 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Thursday, July 31 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Friday, August 1 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Saturday, August 2 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Sunday, August 3 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Upcoming Writing
Living Articles in the Edmonton Journal (current Living article is here
Friday, July 4 - Living Section, Edmonton Journal
Friday, July 18 - Living Section, Edmonton Journal
Friday, August 1 - Living Section, Edmonton Journal
Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every Monday in the Edmonton Journal's ed online. Current headLINES is here.
A Pair of Singles (co-written with Dawn Dumont) appears in the Edmonton Journal's ed online every Thursday. Current article is here
Dan's musings on relationships can be found at
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