New Living article is up here. It's about dealing with the loss of my brother now that a couple years have passed.
I feel I should write more about it, but most of what I want to say is in the article. The last two years have been a strange journey that's for sure, and while it's been tough, there have also been a lot of strengths I've discovered in myself and the people around me.
In other news,ed Magazine is going on hiatus, which also mean a hiatus for headLINES and Pair of Singles. I'm going to miss it. I've contributed a headLINES column every week but one since January of 2005.
I'm hoping Dawn and I can find a home for 'A Pair of Singles' as it's one of my favorite columns to write. If you're a regular reader of POS,feel free to drop an email or phone call to the Journal or write a letter to the editor. Or if you have an idea for another publication that might be interested in our work, feel free to give us a shout (you can contact me through the blog).
In other news,'s word of the day is Tatterdemalion. I love that word.
Also, a friend of mine send me the link to this blog called Dr. Horrible. It's written by Joss Whedon starring Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris. It's a musical about a supervillain. Hilarious stuff.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Upcoming Comedy
Thursday, July 24 - Rouge Lounge, Edmonton
Wednesday, July 30 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Thursday, July 31 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Friday, August 1 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Saturday, August 2 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Sunday, August 3 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Upcoming Writing
Living Articles in the Edmonton Journal (current Living article is here
Friday, August 1 - Living Section, Edmonton Journal
Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every Monday in the Edmonton Journal's ed online. Current headLINES is here.
A Pair of Singles (co-written with Dawn Dumont) appears in the Edmonton Journal's ed online every Thursday. Current article is here
Dan's musings on relationships can be found at
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