Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Dan Brodribb of the Windsor Star?

Part of my review of JM Kearns' excellent book "Why Mr. Right Can't Find You" got quoted on his website

Interestingly, I am referred to as a writer for the Windsor Star.


In fact, I'd never heard of it.

I suspect that particular piece, which was a series of capsule reviews of a bunch of dating books on the market got picked up by other papers.

I guess I can add the Windsor Star to newspapers I've written for, even though I didn't know they existed.

It's still cool to see your name in print though. Clearly I'm a reviewer to be reckoned with.


Speaking of dating, I'm starting a new blog just on dating and relationships at I haven't really decided if its something I really want to promote (hence burying news of it's creation at the end of a random blog about Windsor) For now, it's going to be random ramblings and a way to get my thoughts in order as I put together a book version of 'Dating for Shy Guys.' If you're interested in such things, feel free to check it out and leave your comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan, thanks for the heads-up; we are "removing" you from the staff of the Windsor Star, forthwith! And thank you for the kind words about the book.