Monday, April 03, 2006

4:30am update

Upcoming Comedy
Saturday, April 8 - Yuk Yuks, Edmonton
Sunday, April 9 - The Comic Strip
Wednesday, April 12 - The Comic Strip
Friday, April 21 - Student Distress Centre Fundraiser
Saturday, April 26 - Legion, Red Deer

Upcoming Writing
Living Articles in the Edmonton Journal
April 14 & 28

Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every Saturday in the ed magazine supplement to the Edmonton Journal

-The sound was messed up on the latest MPW recording, so I had to go in to re-record portions of my intro. It was kind of fun. I had to match what I was saying to what my mouth was already doing on the video, so it was an interesting challenge. Hopefully it won't look too much like a kung fu movie. The DVD is called Mayhem, and should be available at the April 8 MPW show, if you're interested in picking up a copy. Tickets to the event and other DVDs are available at

-A fellow from a local production company has expressed interest in potentially collaborating with me on something. I'm meeting with him on Saturday. Hopefully it will turn into something.

-I wasn't expecting to use the words 'red-hot,' 'Stettler,' and 'crowd' in the same sentence, but the Stettler show was fantastic. I was opening for KERRY UNGER and the show went great for both of us.

-On the subject of comedy and comedians, KELLY SOLODUKA seems to have made the Leap in the last couple months. His writing and stage presence have grown in leaps and bounds. Make sure to see him if you get a chance.

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