Went to a party at my sister's. There were a lot of nursing students there. I learned three things.
1) How cool my sister is. I knew that already, but seeing her through the eyes of her friends was awesome.
2) Nurses talk about poop a lot.
3) There is a professional way to hold a penis.
Let me go on record as saying I see nothing wrong with the traditional way of holding a penis. If I'm getting a garden hose rammed up my urethra, an accidental hand-job is the least they can do.
On that note, here's the latest headLINES as well as what I'm up to. I'm excited about Tuesday's show as it is an audition for Shaw Cable. We'll see what transpires.
Upcoming Comedy
Tuesday, December 11 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Monday, December 31 - Pub 99, Edmonton
headLINES appears every Monday for the Edmonton Journal's ed online. Current headLINES is here
A Pair of Singles w/Dawn Dumont. Current Pair of Singles is here
a) This made me choke on my cereal. Awesome sauce.
b) Wouldn't that be an even /more/ professional way to hold it?
I suppose it would depend on your profession.
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