Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Upcoming Comedy
Wednesday, February 21 - Yuk Yuks, Edmonton
Monday, February 26 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton

Upcoming Writing
Living Articles in the Edmonton Journal
Friday, March 2 - Great Expectations

A Pair of Singles (with Dawn Dumont) in ed magazine
Saturday, March 3
Saturday, March 17

Other Apperances
Saturday, March 3 - MPW Infninity, Kingsway Hangars, Edmonton

Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every Saturday in the ed section of the Edmonton Journal

Be Dan Brodribb's friend on MySpace at

Hey everybody. Hope all is well and that you all had a good Valentine's Day.

Tonight is the Great Canadian Laugh Off. There's still a few tickets left, so call the Yuks box office if you're interested in coming down. I'm pretty excited. It's been a while since I've been on Yuks' stage and I'm looking forward to it.

Not much to report otherwise. I've seen a couple plays over the weekend "Hockey Mom, Hockey Dad" which was fantastic and "Les Liaisons Dangereueses" which is one of my favorite scripts. I think I've been watching too much wrestling though--when the sword-fight happened in Liaisons...I spent the entire fight analyzing the storytelling. I liked most of it, and the set-up was good, although the finish could have been a little more clear (or maybe it was a blown spot).

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