Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Upcoming Comedy
Monday, June 18 - The Comic Strip, Edmonton
Thursday, June 28 - Crown & Anchor, Edmonton
Thursday, July 26 - Crown & Anchor, Edmonton

Upcoming Writing
Friday, June 15 - Living Section, Edmonton Journal

A Pair of Singles (with Dawn Dumont) in ed magazine every second Saturday
Next: Online Dating (Part 2)

Dan Brodribb's headLINES appears every Saturday in the ed section of the Edmonton Journal

Be Dan Brodribb's friend on MySpace at

-I'm going to SmackDown!!! I'm giddy like a schoolgirl. Dino, the Comic Strip manager was able to get luxury box tickets and was kind enough to invite me.

-I've been thinking about women's clothes recently. Part of it is because of the dating column, and part of it is from watching women on comedy stages. I think it's interesting how women have to dress both for other women and for guys. Some women go strong one way or the other. I know some single women who have trouble attracting guys. Sometimes I think part of it is the way they dress, even though they actually have a pretty strong fashion sense. Their choices are fashionable, but it isn't particulary attractive. On the other hand, the hoochie-mama (or whatever the kids are calling it) looks sexy to guys, but turns off women. I really admire those women who can hit that balance between being attractive to men and non-threatening but fashionable to women.

On the other hand, maybe I shouldn't be talking about fashion at all since I just found I've been walking around in my new shoes with the price tag still attached.

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